Nik was born and raised in Lubbock, TX and received his Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Washington in Wildlife Science. Growing up, he loved spending time outdoors and spent many days chasing quail, redfish, and any other game he could find. His experiences hunting and fishing as a child illuminated his passion for conservation and drove him to pursue a career as a wildlife biologist. For his senior thesis, Nik collaborated with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife on a project involving the potential reintroduction of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse to the Methow Valley in Okanogan County, WA. Prior to joining Pheasants Forever, he was a deer behavioral analyst for the Predator Ecology Lab at the University of Washington where he studied how the recolonization of northwestern gray wolves is directly and indirectly affecting mule and white-tailed deer behavior. Nik became intimately familiar with the work of Pheasants Forever while assisting and working with landowners in Douglas County, WA on Greater sage-grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse conservation, and is excited to be a part of that positive impact. By working with landowners to develop and implement site-specific wildlife management plans, he hopes to contribute to Pheasants Forever’s mission of conservation to ensure that future generations have the same opportunities he had as a child.
Western Team Welcomes New Member: Nik Wright, Kit Carson County, CO
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